We are all asking ourselves what is going to happen in these uncertain times? What are we going to do? How are we going to handle all the changes we are having to make in response to this pandemic? Not having the answers to these questions creates stress for most people. We have become accustomed to and comfortable with being busy. Being busy and doing has become a status-a measure of how important we are. If we are busy, we are being productive. If we are productive, we are of value.
These times are calling for a shift. We are being forced to slow down. We are being challenged to be creative. We are being compelled to collaborate with each other and rely on one another for our safety and health and for the safety and well-being of our world. We are having to shift from doing to being in order to find steadiness and security amidst the rapidly changing events of the world as we know it.
What can I do?
You can be! Be still. Be quiet. Be yourself. This world needs YOU now, more than ever. It is when we give ourselves permission to sit in stillness and quiet that we begin to understand what our gifts are. We begin to understand how our unique gifts can be used in service to the world. It is in this still, quiet, contemplative state of being that we connect to unlimited energy, power, and love that God so graciously gives. We connect to our divine source through our hearts. It is only through this sacred practice that we find clarity as to what we are being called to do and gain the wisdom as to how we can fulfill our calling. It is through our practice of deeply surrendering our worldly, materialistic, and finite notions of ourselves that we come to know our spiritual essence, which is true, enduring, unconditionally loving, wise, and one with all.
These times can be viewed as a sacrifice or instead a sacred invitation to reflect, reevaluate, reorient, and renew. In accepting this invitation, you can begin to live more consciously, love more freely, and bring more light into our world.
Practice Sending Love and Light
We are all energy, and we are all connected through a beautiful and intricate web of light. It is times like these that we often feel helpless and powerless to do something that is helpful. Many of us are housebound and physically isolated from our community. Many of us are worried about our loved ones who may be ill or at risk, but we cannot reach out and physically share our love. When we are feeling disconnected, disconcerted, and the intense stress of our current condition, practice sending love and light. Sending love and light from our hearts is a safe and powerful way to feel connected and facilitate healing. We invite you to try the exercise below of sharing your love and light…
Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Notice your breath. Feel your breath as it fills your lungs bringing life into your body. Notice the connection and sensation of the ground beneath you or the structure supporting your body, allowing you to begin to relax into this experience. Visualize a beam of golden white light entering your body through the top of your crown and streaming down filling every space in your body. Visualize and feel the light clearing any tension, discomfort, or fear that you have been holding. Notice your experience as you become lighter, brighter, and more connected to your true being. Place your hand over your heart. Feel the energy growing stronger and more vital with each breath. Feel this loving energy overflowing and extending beyond your body into the room or space where you sit. Feel the love and see the light in your mind’s eye extend further and further beyond your space, filling your community, city, state. Extend this loving energy and light to our nation and to the world. Feel this powerful loving light energy infiltrating and illuminating the world. Visualize your loved ones receiving the light and love in their hearts. Notice how it illuminates their bodies and surrounds them in a beautiful chrysalis of light, love, and protection. Notice this expanded state of consciousness here and now where you feel completely connected, unconditionally loved, and whole. You are loved. You are one with all.