Embracing Pride
June, also known as Pride Month, offers a remarkable opportunity for introspection, allowing us to embrace the pride we hold for ourselves and our communities. Initially, the Gilbert Baker pride flag had eight colors, each carrying significant meaning. Hot pink...
The Tricky Witch
Have you ever wondered why Snow White takes that apple from the witch in Snow White? I think most of us have at one point in our lives or another. It’s a good question, a valid question. I wonder what you came up with, what you decided was her motivation. If I don’t...
As a nation and across the world, we have now experienced at least two months living in a pandemic. For everyone, this is a “first.” There is no blueprint or book on what choices to make and how to live through it. This simple fact can feel shocking to our minds and...
A Sacred Invitation
We are all asking ourselves what is going to happen in these uncertain times? What are we going to do? How are we going to handle all the changes we are having to make in response to this pandemic? Not having the answers to these questions creates stress for most...
Mindful Living
Forced to Slow Down: An Invitation to Mindful Living We hear the word Mindfulness everywhere these days, but what does it really mean and why is it so important? The translation from Sanskrit is “that which is remembered.” This does not refer to the memories of our...
Ease Anxiety and Tension
Anxiety is normal when we are faced with stressful circumstances and are not sure what to expect. “What if” questions are the hallmark of the anxious mind. What if I get the Coronavirus? What if our loved ones become ill? What if I can’t work and lose my income? What...
Entering Teletherapy with a Beginner’s Mind
Beginner’s mind is one of the 7 attitudes of Mindfulness that allows us to perceive and receive new possibilities in life. When we practice beginner’s mind, we suspend what we think we “know” and realize that each moment is a new beginning bursting with opportunities...
We are here for you! During this time of uncertainty, it is important to keep up with self-care and stress management. At GIFT, we value your health and overall wellness. We believe continuity of your care is a priority, so we will offer teletherapy via a HIPAA...
Moon, Mantras and Mala Beads
ATTENTION TEENS: Join us Monday September 24th for a full moon salutation flow class. We will be focusing on balance and energy to create our mantras for the full moon. Following the flow, we will be creating jewelry with mala beads to assist with your meditative...
The Mindful Family
Do you want to cut the chaos and create connection in your family? Families today are struggling due to the stress of being “on” all the time. Crazy schedules and too much screen time leave less time for connection and more room for conflict. This unique series is...
Essential Oils and ADHD
"Aromatherapy is a caring, hands-on therapy which seeks to induce relaxation, to increase energy, to reduce the effects of stress and to restore the balance to mind, body and soul." - Robert Tisserand We are excited to begin our series of aromatherapy workshops!...
Finding Joy
GIFT traveled to Safe Harbor this week to engage with their staff about finding joy in sometimes an overwhelming environment. Safe Harbor is a local non profit organization that strives to provide services for victims of domestic violence and their children and to...